True Ink is the only, exclusive provider of quality creative writing
programs for young writers (from toddlers to teens!) in the Asheville area. We work in schools and with the home school community, and collaborate with educators in the
arts and in the natural and social sciences to provide unique and high quality classes, summer workshops and more. Our program venues are varied, from Asheville's bustling downtown to historical sites to the hip River Arts District to schools and community centers and, of course, in the mountains and near the rivers that we all love. And we
publish--through professionally bound and printed anthologies, through
website and e-zines, and, soon, through posters, t-shirts and more. (And psssttt, don't tell anyone, but we do a few programs for adult writers, too!) Of course, we are Asheville Grown and Local. So, if you are a young writer, a parent, an educator, or a potential collaborator--browse through the website and send us a note. We'd love to hear from you.