Check out the new True Ink class offerings at the Thomas Wolfe House! You can download the flyer easily or just click on it to view in a large format. To register for classes please click here
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Writing classes are now being organized for winter and spring 2012. True Ink can provide experienced teaching writers to your homeschool cooperative or afterschool program--complete with glowing references. We can also do private classes, organized around age, interest, schedule and location. We can even offer a class online or a combination of face-to-face and online. Just fill out the form below and we'll be in touch! A Poetry Writing and Craft Workshop ![]() Honor your spirit and life (or someone dear) through poetry and an artful matchbox shrine. Saturday, Oct.1 10:00am-2:30pm $70 materials included bring a bag lunch and a waterbottle Asheville Friends Meeting House 227 Edgewood Road Facilitator and registration information.... Come on out to the first school-based TEDx event in Asheville, June 2, 6:30 pm at Isaac Dickson Elementary, 125 Hill Street. You'll participate in the culmination of a year-long Writing to Change the World Project--these students will blow you away with their thoughtfulness and ideas! ![]() True Ink is delighted to once again be a part of Asheville WordFest, a free poetry festival in downtown Asheville. ![]() Family Poetry Scavenger Hunt 10:am-12:00 Meet at the Thomas Wolfe House Visitor Center, 52 North Market St Poetry is all around us--and we'll go out and find it! ![]() Imaginature 1:00-3:00 Convene at Splashville, Pack Place w/ Hobey Ford, Melinda Tennison, Lisa Alcorn, Cindy Bowen, Hal Mahan, Janet Hurley, Heartworks, SisterJ Spiritvoice. A family event where families can move, make art, learn and discover. Welcome to True Ink's new website--where you can explore program offerings, great resources, photos, writing and art by young authors and artists, and more! You can even register and pay securely online, if you'd like.
2011 promises to be an innovative and fun year--we're especially excited about new collaborations with
To Garrett Ruley, 14, for winning the National Book Arts Bash Award for his novel, Hollin. To read more about Garrett and his book, visit the Write Site, Asheville's First and Only Online Magazine for Young Writers.
To Mia Ankeney (age 10) Aeron McConnell (age 11)and Abby McConnell (age 9) for winning in the Wordfest/Blue Ridge Parkway Inaugural Poetry Contest, Spring 2010! To the great folks who turned out for the May 8, 2010 Poetry Scavenger Hunt at the Thomas Wolfe House. Families went searching for poetry and here's a couple examples of what they found: The Coffee Shop By Austin Wood with help from Lila Wells May 8, 2010 Mmm, coffee and brownies, With sausage thrown in: Three of the best smells. Sour lemonade In a cold, icy glass, Conversation between families All around. The juicer, like a lawnmower, Cuts greens into a glass For the lady in the Yellow and orange flowered pants. The coffee maker gargles, Rich and dark, Into a warm mug, Bringing good breakfast memories. The kaleidoscope floor makes me happy. Silver Wheel (By Noah, Eliana, Mira and Jeremy Phillips) Wind in leaves, tractor buzz Left face sunny, right face breeze In the middle of warm and cold The wind is blowing my shirt around making it a bubble on my chest At the store There's an old lady singing breezy songs The cat candy Tastes like a fruit rocking horse and a slide I see the Big Dipper every day One side warm on the other cold I wanna hear just one thing Am I still your sweet one? And what else? Fortune: Success is ten percent perspiration and ninety percent deodorant! |